Why am I not seeing comments on my Pull Requests?

The Amplify platform allows for projects to run silently, meaning that while we are actively detecting vulnerabilities and generating code fixes for your project, we are not commenting on your Pull Requests. This is caused by not enabling commenting on the projects when they are added to the Amplify platform. Follow along with this guide to enable commenting for your projects.

What comments can I expect Amplify to make on my Pull Requests?

Amplify can be configured to make two different types of comments on your Pull Requests. The first type of comment is a notification that one or more vulnerabilities have been detected in the new code. The second type of comment is a notification that a code fix is available for a detected vulnerability. Amplify can also be configured to comment with “Approvals” on Pull Requests that have no detected vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability notification

Vulnerability notifications are made on Pull Requests when Amplify detects vulnerabilities in the new code. These notifications are enabled in the Amplify App by enabling Merge Comments for the project.

Vulnerability Notification

Code fix notification

Code fix notifications are made on Pull Requests when a Code Fix is available for a detected vulnerability. These notifications are enabled in the Amplify App by enabling Merge Comments for the project.

Code Fix Notification

Approval notification

Approval notifications are made on Pull Requests when no vulnerabilities are detected in the new code. These notifications are enabled in the Amplify App by enabling Merge Approvals for the project.

Approval Notification

How to enable commenting

To enable commenting, Sign in to the Amplify App and select Projects on the Navigation Bar. From the Projects page, you can enable commenting on your projects by selecting the appropriate options in the Merge Comments and Merge Approvals columns.

Project Configuration

Alternatively, Sign in to the Amplify App, select Projects on the Navigation Bar, then select the Settings tab from the Project’s page. From the Project’s Settings you can enable commenting on your projects by selecting the appropriate options under Integrations.

Project Settings